Half Birthday Cards

Half birthday cards for six months birthdays. On Boomf, we have 6 month birthday cards for anyone celebrating their half birthday. They are cute and cheerful birthday cards that will be perfect for anyone on their six months birthday. We know some people like to go wild with a full birthday bash while others prefer to keep it nice and small. Whatever your preference, you can get the most fitting card for a six month birthday here.
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What is a half birthday card and when should I present It?

I'm sure by now you know a half birthday card is not a birthday card cut in half. It is a sweet note written to a child who has just lived half of a year or a person who chooses to celebrate their birthday six months before or after their actual birth anniversary. We think a happy 6 months birthday card is the best thing to accompany a birthday gift on their half birthday.

They are to be presented on the morning of the six months birthday, along with the cake if there is any. If you're not in the person's family, dropping by to hand it over with some gifts is totally acceptable. Or you can have it mailed. Depending on your relationship with the person.

What do I write in a happy half birthday card?

Make sure to include a special message in your six-month birthday card for this occasion. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  1. Half a cake for half a birthday!
  2. I don't know why you bother to do this but happy half-birthday.
  3. You're lucky, you get to celebrate your birthday and a half birthday.
  4. And here’s one for a six-month-old baby: 15 months ago, you were an egg in mummy's belly.

Can I make a half birthday card special on Boomf?

Half birthday cards can be made more intimate and special when you utilize Boomf's trademark card features like personalization tools to add the face of the baby to their card. For a baby, I suggest our bomb cards and pop-out cards will also suit the occasion too well.

There are so many nice ideas already available for half-birthday birthday cards here on Boomf.