New Year's Eve Invitations

New Year’s Day marks the beginning of the calendar for many of us in the world, but it’s really the night before when all the festivities occur – so say thanks to the host of your upcoming celebrations with our New Year’s Eve cards! Or perhaps you’re having a special get-together and want to send invitations in a way that your recipients will cherish. We’re here to help. Simply choose a design from our wonderful collection below!
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Chocolate Card

£9.99 £13.99

What popular designs for New Year’s Eve party invitations are there on Boomf?

If you’re stuck for ideas on what design to choose for your New Year’s Eve invites – simply select ‘sorting’ at the top of the page and organise it by best-selling. That’ll give you a list of our most popular designs. If this is your first time hosting, it might help you out to know what other people’s favourites are.

If you’re looking for cards for a birthday or wedding on New Year’s Eve, feel free to use any of our designs below, or go to the respective pages for those events and you’ll find an even bigger selection of amazing cards. There are lots to choose from here on Boomf – all our cards are lovingly made by an army of independent artists.

How can I make my own New Year’s Eve cards on Boomf?

Did we mention that all our cards are completely personalised? As a premium card supplier, we want to take any regular card to the next level, and you’ll be able to write a thoughtful message on the blank inside pages, and easily adjust the font, colour, and size of the text for a message as beautiful as the design on the outside.

When should I send out my New Year’s party invitations?

We’d advise that you wait until after Boxing Day if it’s a small celebration – remember that people have a lot on their plates over Christmas, literally! But if the occasion is an extra important one, there’s nothing wrong with getting your invites out a month or so in advance! Just remember these steps:

  • Make sure you include the location and time of the party.
  • Make sure you ask them to RVSP. You can also direct them to a Facebook group for your party as this may be easier.

That’s it! You’ll be well on your way to handing out amazing party invites, or saying thank you to a hard-working host with our fantastic New Year’s Eve cards!