Highland Cow Christmas Cards

Highland Cow Christmas cards are not at all what most people would expect to get, so why not go for that wow effect such a card would produce? Besides, those unmistakable horns and ginger fur colouring make for quite a festive look. Highland Cow Xmas cards often depict these animals in knitted sweaters, scarves, or with Christmas decorations wrapped around their horns — a cute and cosy picture that captures the Christmas vibe perfectly.
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Take your cow Christmas cards a step further with Boomf’s special product types and online personalisation tool. You can add your pictures, type in your creative, warm or witty message, or make your card an experience with our fabulous extras. - What can better channel the festive Christmas mood than a card exploding with confetti? Check out our Ta-dah and Cannon cards. - And how about a little surprise jumping out of your Highland Cow Xmas card? In this event, we have a selection of fun characters for our Wild cards and flying butterfly toys for our Flutter cards. - Don’t forget that you can easily personalise any of our designs in our online tool. Go for a Boomf Bomb if you want to go all out with pretty pictures of your loved ones. Check out our collection above and order your Highland Cow Christmas card now!