Granddaughter 18th Birthday Cards

Wondering where to get the perfect granddaughter 18th birthday card? Look no further than our catalogue. It is full of affordable, chic, classy and arty birthday cards for your granddaughter on her 18th birthday.
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Age 18 Card


What card should I get my granddaughter for her 18th birthday? 

We know the perfect gift, 18th birthday cards. Ta-da! Well, as grandparents, you are tasked with giving one of the most remarkable gifts but what if you are out of touch with her generation and her interests? 18th granddaughter birthday cards become the best option to give your granddaughter when she turns legal. There is no going wrong with Boomf's 18th birthday cards for granddaughters. 

What do I write in an 18th birthday card for my granddaughter?

Every card comes blank inside for you to make personalized granddaughter 18th birthday cards. Our online editors can help you type whatever you wish if you have shaky handwriting. Here are our best options for what to write in a granddaughter's 18th birthday card.

  1. Congratulations on becoming an adult.
  2. You remind me so much of your mother (if of course, you are the grandparent from her mother's side of the family).
  3. Everything will turn out fine, I've been there, done that.

How can I make a personalized 18th granddaughter birthday card with Boomf? 

On Boomf, you can choose one of our various, trademarked, templates of card designs for your 18 years old granddaughter but to make personalized granddaughter 18th birthday cards you need to hit the “personalize” button, send personal pictures or words across to the online editors and you will have your card personalized by them, dispatched and ready to be delivered.

Our granddaughter's 18th birthday cards are specially made for you!