Coronavirus COVID-19 New Year's Cards

What better way to start off the next year than by wishing your loved ones a healthy and happy year with Covid New Year cards? And wouldn't it be lovely if you didn't have to spend hours editing and designing them yourself? This is when Boomf comes in to help you get the best Covid New Year cards.
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What types of Covid Happy New Year cards does Boomf offer?

If you are looking for a way to extend your well wishes to your loved ones this New Year, consider sending them a coronavirus-themed card. Designs that reference the pandemic can be a fun way to congratulate your friend on staying healthy the previous year and wish them to have another healthy year. You can add an extra special touch to the card by upgrading it with one of our extras. This will make receiving the New Year Covid card a fun and memorable experience that will become one of the pleasant memories from this year that was full of challenges.

On Boomf, you can also personalise your card. Write your message and greetings for the upcoming year inside and don’t forget to add a fun photo.

How to send Covid New Year Cards?

Once you’ve done personalising your Covid-19 New Year card, provide your shipping details and we will send your card on its way. It’s a pleasure to present your cards in person, especially after years of having to self-isolate and keep social distance. However, if the recipient is unfortunate and has to self-isolate around this New Year’s Eve, you can get their Covid New Year card delivered to their letterbox to bring the fun to their home, coronavirus or no coronavirus.