70 Father’s Day Messages for Your Husband

Are you stuck wondering what to write? Do you need a little inspiration for your happy Father’s Day message for your husband this year?
Look no further and put yourself at rest with this helpful selection of ready-to-use messages and tons of tips and inspiration to help you create a truly wonderful heartfelt message for your husband Father’s Day card message. We have put together a list of 70 Father’s Day messages and quotes for husbands that you can use as is or as inspiration to help you create your own heartfelt message to make your Father’s Day card perfect.
As this time comes but only once a year, let’s not let it slip by and take a moment to recognise the efforts of all the good and great fathers out there. So, without any further ado, let’s dive right into it and find that perfect message for the perfect father in your life.
Loving Father’s Day Messages to Husband
Sometimes the simplest messages can be the most impactful, so when you are thinking of what to write in a happy Father’s Day husband card message, just running with your heart and showing some loving appreciation can be the winning formula.
- Being a good father can easily go unnoticed, yet it is one of the most valuable and underrated assets to a family.
- Your love as a father really shines through every time you spend time with our children, they may not know it but I can see that you would do anything for them. Happy Father’s Day, you’re an amazing father and husband.
- I know the kindness you show others always leaves a positive impact on them, even if they don’t always notice. That’s part of what makes you such a wonderful dad.
- You lead by example and teach our children love, respect, compassion and manners. They are so lucky to have you as a father.
- I know how much you love to go fishing, that’s why I got you this awesome fishing card and a free pass to go fishing all day.
- You're so much more than just a father or a husband. You’re my life partner and the father of our children, I love you so much.
- I wanted to make this Father’s Day special for you, you always make a great effort with me and our children. I couldn’t be nor shapely to be your wife and for you to be the father to our children.
- You are our children’s hero, you're always there when they need you most so on this important day, I want to tell you to have a happy Father’s Day. We love you so much.
- You never get tired of working hard for us so we’re making today all about you.
- I couldn’t do this parenting thing without you. Thank you for being my partner in crime.
- Our kids can officially say they’ve got cool parents, just look at us. But especially you.
- No matter what the storm is or how big it may be, you're always our rock which we can depend on. That’s one of the many reasons why we love you so much.
Sweet Father’s Day Messages for Husband
Sometimes we really want to show how much someone means to us, and that isn’t always easy to put into words, that’s why we’ve created a list of sweet and heartfelt messages if you want to take it up a notch and try to make his heart melt.
- You never cease to amaze me with the amount of compassion, love and patience you show and support our family with. I don’t know where we would be without you.
- Thank you for always being there and supporting us no matter what is going on. I don’t know where we would without your support.
- Just when I think I can’t love you any more strongly, I start to love you even more. The angels really were watching over me when they sent you to me to become the father of our kids.
- We are a seriously powerful duo, we have so much fun and yet we weather any storm that comes our way. Our children are lucky to have you as their father.
- When I see you with our children, I start to fall in love with you all over again. I don’t know what magic you have but it certainly works on me.
- Whenever I see how good you are with our children, I am always thankful for being married to a man like you.
- God took the strength of a mountain, the patience of eternity, and combined them to create the thing we call dad.
- Fathers, the ones who can do something out of nothing.
- I know I don’t always notice all the things you do for me, that’s why I’m going to spend the rest of the day thanking you for them. Happy Father’s Day.
- You're more than just my husband and the father of our children, you’re my best friend.
- Everyone always says they have the best dad in the world, but that can’t be right you’re standing right next to me.
- Some say that their dad or husband embarrasses them. You make our family look cool.
Long-Distance Father’s Day Messages for Husband
Parenthood is already hard enough, but what if your partner isn’t always there to help. Whether it’s work or other commitments, a long distance between you is a special kind of hard and deserves its own list for occasions when your husband has to be away on a trip on Father’s Day. Let’s take a look at the different ways you can craft your message.
- Distance doesn’t matter when you truly love the other person.
- Home is not home without you. I’m eagerly waiting for you to return.
- We’re saving up all your hugs and kisses for when you return.
- It amazes me how you take care of our children’s needs being so far away. But it will be even better when you finally come home.
- The children miss their dad every day. Come back soon.
- You may be miles away but know that we love and miss you dearly, come back home to us soon love.
- I know you're being away to help support us and your sacrifices don’t go unnoticed.
- Even when you’re not physically here, you're still here to protect and support us. So, on this Father’s Day we’re doing a virtual Father’s Day.
- You never cease to amaze me how, despite being so far away you're able to be such a constant source of strength in our lives. We wouldn’t trade you for anything.
- Sending my love on Father’s Day! Even though there is a long distance between you and our children, remember that they are constantly thinking about you and they love you.
- Thanks for being so patient while nurturing our kids. Father’s Day is incomplete without you, dear.
Best Short Father’s Day Messages to Husband
Sometimes wording can be a bit tricky when we want to tell our husbands that they are the best and wonderful fathers. So here are some short and sweet messages you can use or include as part of your own Father’s Day message to a loving husband.
- Happy Father’s Day to the world’s greatest father, husband, guardian, and companion.
- I consider myself very lucky to have you as my husband and father of our child.
- Our kids must be the luckiest to have a father like you in their lives.
- You’re a fantastic, loving, caring and compassionate father. I’m happy I chose you.
- One day is not enough to show our gratitude to all the fathers out there, but we’ll give it a good go!
- You’re the shield to our family who protects our children and me from harm.
- I admire how you constantly stay strong for me and our kids, I honestly don’t know how you do it.
- We’re like ting and yang. You make up for my weaknesses as I do for yours, that’s why we’re perfect for each other and our children.
- Nothing can be better than having you as my life partner and the father of our kids.
- You always handle everything so efficiently. Thanks for all your effort. Happy Father’s Day, my love.
- It’s good that you’re as much of a kid as our kids are, because you can keep them occupied whilst I’m doing other things. But I suppose it deserves a day of thanks every once in a while. Just kidding, happy Father’s Day.
- Sometimes you annoy me more than the kids do, but I can’t deny the fact that you’re an amazing father.
Cute Father’s Day Quotes for Husband
With so many different ways to word your feelings, it would be remiss of us to not include a cute category. So, without further ado, here are a few cute and funny Father’s Day card quotes for husbands that you can include as part of your Father’s Day message to your partner.
- Watching you become the man and father you are today has been a blessing to witness, happy Father’s Day, Hubby.
- Seeing how much our children love and light up every time you enter the room brings a special kind of joy to my heart.
- Of all your many talents, being a father is one of your best ones.
- You drive me nuts, and yet I’m still nuts for you.
- The thought of raising a family used to scare me, but with you around I know everything will be ok.
- To the world, you may be just one man. But to our family, you are the world.
- Watching how good you are with our kids makes me want to try even harder to be a better mother.
- We have worked together as partners to bring our children up, and one day when they have their own children. They will truly understand what that means.
- Sometimes when I see how much our children keep wanting your attention, I get a little jealous and want you even more.
- Every day you teach our children what a strong healthy man looks and behaves like.
- I know your efforts may not always receive the recognition they deserve, but that’s why I’m dedicating a whole day just to celebrate you.
- Never forget how special of a husband and father you are to this family; words cannot adequately express how much you mean to us.
Father’s Day Message from Wife
Sometimes we just want to make things a little more personal than just being about the children, keeping that spark alive is always important. That’s why we’ve come up with more personal style messages to help with that and to help remember why you chose to spend your life with him.
- You are my rock, my sounding board, the love of my life, but most importantly you are the greatest father to our children. Happy Father’s Day, I love you.
- You were there holding my hand on our first date, holding my hand during the birth of our children, I couldn’t have imagined doing this without your help.
- I loved you when I met you. Now that you are the father to our children, I love you more than ever. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad and husband!
- Thanks for loving me unconditionally even on the days when my hair is a mess and I don’t have makeup on, you never stop loving me or our children. Happy Father’s Day
- Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart, the father of our children, the love of my life. I love you!
- You’re not just our children’s guardian Angel, your mine as well
- When God looked down, he thought to himself “she looks like she could use a loving family” and he sent you.
- They say parenting brings out the best in you, but with you that was a massive understatement.
- I’m glad that you’re teaching our children as they grow up, they couldn’t have asked for a better role model.
- I love the way you love to spend time with the kids, but remember to save some time and energy for me as well.
- When I asked my guardian Angel for the love of my life, I never would’ve imagined it would be this good. Thank you for being the person I needed most.
- I never knew that I needed someone with your kind of strength until I experienced parenthood, thank you for being my rock.
Final Thoughts
Well, there we have it, our selection of Father’s Day card messages to husband from wife.
We understand that every relationship is unique and that every Father’s Day message to husbands needs to be just as unique and special. If you really want to make this Father’s Day memorable, add a personalised gift to go along with your unique personalised card and gift from our collections.
No matter what your husband likes, you can be sure of finding something to suit anyone’s tastes. From sweets, chocolate and drinks to even puzzles and models. It’s easier than ever to find the right gift for the right person and have it all sent at the same time with next day delivery.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this selection of happy Father’s Day messages for husbands and found the right message for your wonderful husband and the father of your children.