40+ Father's Day Messages to Send Your Son

This year, don’t forget to send an awesome Father’s Day message for your son. Father’s Day is a time to send a son-to-father Father’s Day message but what about sending happy Father’s Day wishes to a son who is already a dad himself?
As a son, you send Father’s Day messages to tell your father how much you appreciate him and thank him for his parenting (people love to feel appreciated and thanked so send him a best Father’s Day message from son or if you’re younger then Father’s Day messages from young son). As a father, you might not have sent a Father’s Day message to a son before because it’s not an extremely common concept. But if your son is now a father then lots of people think that Father’s Day is a good time to send happy Father’s Day wishes to a son to say that you are proud of him as a dad and wish him luck in parenting.
At Boomf there are countless card options that are much more interesting than your average card and we offer lots of options for Father’s Day card messages from a son and Father’s Day messages for a son.
Father’s Day Messages from Son
These Father’s Day card messages from a son are especially sweet. Father’s Day messages from a son because they’re longer they’re more emotional. These words will mean even more if you make them more personal, so feel free to use the ideas below as inspiration or basis for your own heartfelt greeting.
- “By profession, I am a soldier and take great pride in that fact, but I am also prouder, infinitely prouder, to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys.” – General Douglas MacArthur.
- Being a dad takes the right tools and you seem to have them all. You always nail your goals and I wanted to send you this card to make sure to hammer home my message that I’m impressed.
- “He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.” – Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.
- "My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said: "You never know what you can accomplish until you try." – Micheal Jordan
- "Being a father means you have to think fast on your feet. You must be judicious, wise, brave, tender, and willing to put on a frilly hat and sit down to a pretend tea party." – Matthew Buckley.
- "My dad is my best friend, my father, and my boss. When I do something that is exciting and he likes it, it feels three times as good as you can imagine." – David Lauren.
- Hats off to you for being such a great father, everything good in my life comes from a lesson I learned from you. Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day Messages to Son
These messages are a bit more general so you’ll have some more best Father’s Day messages from a son and also some Father’s Day messages from a young son included in this Father’s Day messages from son section/list. You can also find Happy Father’s Day messages to the father of my child.
- Son, you have now become a father and I’m sure you’ll be a great one.
- Now that you’ve moved out and have your own family, I truly appreciate how much you’ve enhanced my life.
- May each of your days be better than the last, being a father is the greatest boost ever!
- Dear son, I am so happy to have raised you to become as much of a man as you are. Happy Father’s Day!
- I cannot explain to you how pleased I am to see you with your new family.
- Nothing makes me happier than seeing you playing with your young son just like I used to with you.
- I couldn’t wait until I could finally send you a Father’s Day card so here it is. Happy Father’s Day, dear son!
- As soon as your child was born you became a father and now it’s up to you to become a good one. Good luck, I believe in you, Happy Father’s Day!
Sweet Father’s Day Messages to Son
This is our list of sweet Father’s Day messages to a son which are great for cards because even if you’re far away these short and sweet Father’s Day messages to son are simple, short and heartfelt.
- I’m wishing you a relaxed Father’s Day.
- It takes a very special man to be a good son and a great father, I think you’re a pretty good contender though. Good luck, son!
- Happy Father’s Day. Now that you’re a father you’ll finally understand how difficult it is to change nappies and wake up at all hours of the night to look after your screaming child. I wish you good luck!
- I’m so proud to see my son become a father, I can’t wait until you experience the same with your young ones!
- Becoming a dad is a special moment but being a dad is even better forever.
- My dad was everything to me, he was my best friend, my teacher, my boss even and I hope I am the same to you, and you will be the same to your child.
- You were my best friend and the most incredible son but now it’s time for you to be the same to your child. He will become your best friend, I am sure.
Nice Father’s Day Messages to Son
Father’s Day is a great time for sending nice Father’s Day messages for your son because it’s exactly the right day when everyone needs to hear some kind words. They are easy to send and always appreciated!
- I never thought I’d finally be the one sending you the Father’s Day card but here we are. Take care of your family, son.
- You went from baby bottles to beer bottles and back to baby bottles again! Good luck.
- I’m so proud to see you with your family, proud of you as my son, and proud of you as a father.
- You always impress me with your kindness, love, and patience especially when you are with your young family.
- Everything I’ve taught is everything my dad taught me and it’ll be everything that you tell your son.
- Happy Father’s Day to my son. I hope parenthood is as rich of an experience as it was for me (and also as expensive!). I’m sending you love and kindness this Father’s Day.
- I can safely say that seeing your son become a father is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Happy Father’s Day, my son that’s now become a father.
- Dear son, you have a god-given gift – a child. I hope you raise him to be a great human as I did with you. I can’t explain how happy I am when I see you happy with your little family. Happy Father’s Day!
Short Father’s Day Messages for Son
The short and sweet Father’s Day messages for a son are the way to go, especially if you’re in contact via text rather than in person. Even so, it’s important to let people know how much you appreciate them.
- I’m so proud of the family you’ve started.
- My son has become a father and I couldn’t be prouder.
- If people ever know me for something I want them to know me as your father.
- If I had one wish it would be for you to be a fantastic father to your son, but from the looks of it, you don’t need any wishes.
- I love you so much, son. Happy Father’s Day!
- I hope you spoil your son because I will if you won’t!
- I’m so happy every time I see you with your family.
Best Father’s Day Message for Son
These son to father Father’s Day messages help you express to your father or son how he’s the best father. So show your love today with these best (and funny) Father’s Day card messages for a son.
- You’ve bought me so much joy throughout my life and I can’t wait to watch your children bring you the same joy.
- I can’t express how lucky I feel to have you as my beloved son and how lucky I feel to have you as the father to mine and your mother’s grandchildren.
- Seeing you with your children makes me so emotional, it makes me remember all the times we shared as father and son and now you’re doing the same with your children.
- I’m sure you’ll be the best father, maybe you’ll even beat me! Good luck!
- Children are so special. They’re so complicated and tiring (not just as a baby!) and it doesn’t end, you’re in it forever. But it’s also the most rewarding job with surprises along the way and it is worth it, I promise.
- You’ll get through the rough spots, after a baby things get harder for a while, sleeping, relationships, schedules but it all gets back on track, and things do go back to normal or at least you’ll get a new normal. It will be okay.
- I believe that who children become is based on what they’re taught by their mothers and fathers and the role models they look up to. You’re their role model and their father so look after them and teach them important values and skills.
These Father’s Day messages from a son and Father’s Day messages for a son are great to send to an important man in your life. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to send them to your biological father, you could send them to a stepfather, father figure, or anyone you see fit!
So, now you’ve got some Father’s Day messages from a son and Father’s Day card messages for a son you can grab a card from Boomf and send your love, ensuring that the recipient smiles this Father’s Day!